A study was conducted in bottle gourd to estimate the magnitude of heterosis for yield and its thirteen yield related components. Twenty one bottle gourd hybrids generated from 7 × 7 diallel cross (excluding reciprocals) along with their seven parents evaluated in a Randomized Block Design with three replication at at the Olericulture Division of... More
Matricaria chamomilla is a valuable medicinal plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Its medicinal and pharmaceutical impacts are correlated to major flavonoid compounds like apigenin. In this investigation, methanolic extracts of M. chamomilla inflorescence gathered from six natural populations were evaluated for their phytochemical content and antioxidant activity. The content of total flavonoid and phenol modified from 3.72 to 7.94... More
Agriculture is undoubtedly a leading field for livelihoods in China. As the population increases, it is necessary to increase agricultural productivity. By capturing the support and the increment in production on farms, the need for freshwater used for irrigation increases too. Presently, agriculture accounts for 80% of overall water uptake in China. Unexpected overflow... More
Bemisia tabaci has many biotypes, and has become one of the main pests on vegetables, flowers, cotton and other crops, seriously influencing the safe production of crops.Temperature has a great influence on the survival, development, reproduction and behavior of Bemisia tabaci, which can affect the change of body temperature and metabolism of B. tabaci. It needs... More