Use of Plant Extracts in the Control of Post-Harvest Fungal Rots in Apples
Different fungi alter apples in the post-harvest period, causing considerable economic losses and risks to consumer health due to the mycotoxins that some of these fungi produce. The control of these fungal alterations in apples is mainly dependent on the use of chemical fungicides, the effectiveness of which has been well proven. However, this use is subject to restrictions due to growing concerns about risks to human health and the environment and the continued development of pathogen resistance to commonly used fungicides. A new approach to control post-harvest fungi has been implemented through the application of plant extract.It is estimated that there are more than 250,000 higher plant species on Earth that can be evaluated for their antimicrobial bioactive chemical compounds. In recent decades, researchers have evaluated plant extracts and essential oils against fungi responsible for post-harvest apple rot. Interesting results have been obtained. The purpose of this project is to summarize and discuss the results of in vitro and in situ experiments of different literatures concerning the effects of compounds derived from plants on the control of fungi responsible for rotting apples in storage.
Plant extracts; Fungi rots; Apple; Postharvest; Essentiel oils; BiocontrolReferences
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