A split-split-plot design was used to evaluate the effects of sowing dates and sowing rates on three winter rape cultivars, including ‘PR45D03’, a semi-dwarf hybrid, ‘PR46W31’, a traditional hybrid, and ‘Californium’, an open-pollinated cultivar. August 25 was the optimal sowing date for maximizing protein and oil yields across all three cultivars. Of the cultivars, the... More
A glasshouse experiment was conducted to determine the effects of elemental sulfur (S) applications on soil acidity, the solubility of soil iron, and the uptake of iron (Fe) by corn (Zea mays L.). Soil samples were treated with four rates of sulfur and incubated for 0, 20, and 40 days before corn plantation. While one... More
Applications of nanotechnology in agriculture will result in the development of efficient and potential approaches towards the management of insect pests. The toxicity effects of four essential oils peppermint, thyme, camphor and sage oils were tested against the fourth instar larvae of Agrotis ipsilon to select the most effective essential oil to be converted to the... More
The effects of different management measures on the undergrowth diversity of Larix gmelinii forests were determined. The undergrowth vegetation of Xing'an Larch forest under seven different transformation methods was investigated in the Chaocha Forest Farm of the Genhe Forestry Bureau in the northern Daxinganling Mountains. Community composition, structural characteristics, species diversity and biomass of seven... More
In the management of greening and maintenance of modern garden landscape, the prevention of natural disasters should be emphasized. Adequate fertilizer and water are provided to the plants to meet their growing needs. Pests and diseases are effectively prevented and controlled.
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