Abstract: By using the OLS model, an equation for the rate of decomposing wood by a variety of fungi was established. We analyzed the effects of various fungi in the experimental data under different temperature and humidity. Based on the growth performance of different fungi at different temperatures and humidity, we use the method of systematic... More
Since the time of our ancestors, natural products issued from plant play a therapeutic crucial role. About 25-30% of all medicines (drugs) available for the treatment of diseases are derived from natural products (from plants, animals, bacteria and fungi) or are derivatives of natural products. The aim of this research was to scientifically identify... More
A field experiment was conducted at the experimental farm of Hamelmalo Agricultural College during summer 2017, to evaluate the agronomic, physiological, and biochemical performance of the collected Eritrean germplasm of pearl millet. A total of 16 accessions were tested, out of which 2 were improved varieties included as a check. The experiment was laid... More
The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought about another age on world as the human civilization is restricted in many aspects of everyday lives. There is no exception in the sector of food production and the supply chain of food. Due to constraints on demand, shutting of food production facilities, financial limitations, enterprise operations and delivery... More
Democratic Republic of the Congo is a real reservoir of medicinal plants. These plants play a major role in the treatment of certain common pathologies in tropical regions. The aim of this study was to list the ethnomedical uses of Uvariodendron molundense, a medicinal and aromatic plant from the Ubangi ecoregion. The ethnobotanical survey... More
Biotechnology plays an important role in mitigation of various pollution in a cost effective manner by using the complex chemistry of living organisms, various cell manipulations and their approaches for environmental cleanup along with environmental sustainability. One such technology is phytoremediation technology or green technology which has emerged and evolved as a novel tool... More