Ocimum gratissimum is an essential plant because of its wide food and medicinal usage. Despite its relevance, its morpho-physiological compositions are influenced by several abiotic stresses. Hence, this study examined the effects of water stress on the growth and chlorophyll contents of O. gratissimum. Seedlings of O. gratissimum were grown in twenty-four pots, two per pot and were arranged... More
The aim of this study was to evaluate the ethnomedical knowledge of the population of South Ubangi on Myrianthus arboreus, a plant consumed by chimpanzees, with the assumption that this bio-resource is also used by the population in African Traditional Medicine to treat common diseases. The results revealed that M. arboreus treats 23 diseases in the province... More
Farmers are eager to know the various types of weeds in paddy fields. This will help in choosing the best weed management practice for effective weed control as well as reducing rice yield losses. The objectives of the study are to identify the weeds species affecting the rice field, to assess the composition of weeds species, to... More
Endophytic fungal isolates (139 no.) were obtained from 143 (62 roots, 18 fruits and 54 leaves) samples of 15 different varieties of banana collected from 10 sites in Assam, India during 2018-2019. Overall isolation frequency from surface-sterilized tissue ranged from 10%-80% (as per site) and 6%-70% (as per variety of banana). All isolates were segregated... More
Parasitic weeds are a major threat to food security in Africa and control measures mostly done by smallholder farmers are not effective in eradicating the parasites. This results in a yield loss up to 100%. Parasitic weeds comprise Alectra vogelii, Striga spp., Orobanche spp., Rafflesia spp., and Phoradendron spp. Parasitic attachment is successful when three necessary conditions have been... More