The aim of this research was to find and assay phytochemical compounds and various biological macromolecules of the tender stems of Dioscorea praehensilis benth and evaluate their antioxidant activity and to compare the content of oxalates and cyanogenetic glucosides between raw and cooked tender stems. The plant collection and identification, phytochemical evaluation: phytochemical screening,... More
The aim of this study was to inventory plant biodiversity and to evaluate the carbon sequestration potential of the Misomuni forest massif. An inventory of all trees with diameter at breast height (dbh) ≥ 10 cm measured at 1.30 m height was performed. The aerial biomass (AGB) was used for estimating the stored CO2 and... More
Sesame (Sesamum indicum) is usually contaminated with many fungi where some of them are mycotoxigenic causing economic and health problems. This study investigated the percentage composition of fungi contamination of sesame seeds in Benue state Nigeria. Using direct plating technique; the study revealed twelve species of fungi contamination in sesame seed obtained in Benue... More
Abstract: Coffea cultivation with shade tree is used for improving soil health, increasing coffea production, sustaining agro ecology. The study was attended in two kebele, on 36 farmers’ fields, at Gololcha district of East Arsi zone. The study was intended to assess the influence of coffea shade trees on farm lands versus mountainous area. Household interviews... More