Microbial Biocontrol of Post-harvest Fungal Rot in Apples: Current State of the Science
Our study consists of a careful literature review carried out with the aim of better understanding the models developed in the field of biocontrol of postharvest fungal rot in apples (PHFRA) over the past two decades. It aims, more specifically, to shed light on the progress made by examining the products developed, their nature, their target pathogens, their effectiveness, theirs modes of action and the stage of their development. The post-harvest biocontrol of apples has made remarkable progress during the last twenty years of research. Several products (yeasts, bacteria, filamentous fungi and actinomycetes) have been selected. Some, are already marketed, others are at different stages of development. However, several points limit the optimal use of microbial antagonists in the bio-management of post-harvest apple rots as an alternative to chemicals. It is, in fact, still necessary to develop appropriate formulations of these microbial biocontrol agents, to better study their mechanisms of action, to test them under commercial conditions and against a broad spectrum of pathogens and hosts. However, although sometimes considered less effective than chemical treatments, biocontrol products based on microorganisms have major advantages for an application in an integrated post-harvest apple protection strategy.Keywords:
Microbial antagonists; Fungi rots; Post-harvest; Apple; BiocontrolReferences
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