Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) is an important commodity tree crop which produces the cocoa bean, a major source of income for most West African countries and many smallholder farmers. Declining yield of cacao is a major limitation to cocoa production in Nigeria. This study aimed at determining the correlations of the phenotypic traits that were... More
Abstract: There is no doubt that the chemical composition of plants, including norvolatile and volatile compounds, is widely affected by abiotic and biotic stress. Plants are able to biosynthesize a variety of secondary metabolites against actions of natural enemies, such as herbivores, fungus, virus and bacteria. The present study revealed that the chemical compositions of leaf... More
In worldwide, the use of chemical pesticides to protect wood has been greatly restricted. In recent years, a large number of researchers devoted to the search for natural, safe and non-polluting bioactive chemical compounds from plants as an alternative to synthetic organic chemical preservative. In Chinese folk, tung oil can be used as paint... More
Dwarf Water Lilies (Nymphoides aquatica (J.F. Gmel) Kuntze have floating and submerged leaves. Some submerged aquatic vascular plants have a form of CAM (Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) called Submerged Aquatic Macrophyte (SAM) metabolism. Blue-diode based PAM technology was used to measure the Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution Rate (POER: 1O2 ≡ 4e– ). Optimum Irradiance (Eopt),... More