A study was carried out at the research farm of Hamelmalo Agricultural College during summer 2015 to study the effect of dates and methods of sowing with and without hydro-priming on growth, development and yield of sorghum. The experiment consisted of 2 factors- three dates of sowing viz. D0 (Sowing before the onset of... More
Ratooning is common practice done in sugarcane with purpose of reducing the total cost of cultivation and early cane maturity. More than 35% of sugarcane productivity is lost due to improper attention of the farmers towards ratoons. Majority of farmers reported that the ratoonability wasn’t good when harvested in December-January. This experiment was carried... More
Abstract: Earth Apple (Helianthus tuberosus) phenolic compounds were extracted using two methods ethanol extraction (98 percent ethanol for 24 hours at room temperature) and water extraction (distilled water for 24 hours at room temperature). To measure the sum of phenols in the extract, the Folin-Ciocateu method was used. The alcohol extract gave a higher phenol content... More
Folk medicinal plants used by local herbalists in and around Rajshahi metropolitan city were recorded. The study include 111 medicinal plants used to cure various diseases such as diarrhea, diabetes, toothache, fever, worm, snake-bite, blood disease, cough, menstrual disease, wound, itches, chicken pox, constipation, dysentery, eczema, piles, sex problems, skin diseases, headache, anemia, burning... More
Shifting cultivation, popularly known as jhum, is a dominant form of agriculture in the Chattogram Hill Tracts (CHT) of Bangladesh with upland rice being the major component of the system. The region is known for its rice biodiversity, which is under threat. This study was an attempt to explore the extent of rice biodiversity... More