Emoji Essence: Detecting User Emotional Response on Visual Centre Field with Emoticons
User experience is understood in so many ways, like a one on one interaction (subjective views), online surveys and questionnaires. This is simply so get the user’s implicit response, this paper demonstrates the underlying user emotion on a particular interface such as the webpage visual content based on the context of familiarisation to convey users’ emotion on the interface using emoji, we integrated physiological readings and eye movement behaviour to convey user emotion on the visual centre field of a web interface. The physiological reading is synchronised with the eye tracker to obtain correlating user interaction, and emoticons are used as a form of emotion conveyance on the interface. The eye movement prediction is obtained through a control system’s loop and is represented by different color display of gaze points (GT) that detects a particular user’s emotion on the webpage interface. These are interpreted by the emoticons. Result shows synchronised readings which correlates to area of interests (AOI) of the webpage and user emotion. These are prototypical instances of authentic user response execution for a computer interface and to easily identify user response without user subjective response for better and easy design decisions.
Emotion emblem; Emoticons; Visual expression; Area of interest; Ergonomics; User interaction; Web interfaceReferences
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