The mobile Cyber Crime detection is challenged by number of mobile devices (internet of things), large and complex data, the size, the velocity, the nature and the complexity of the data and devices has become so high that data mining techniques are no more efficient since they cannot handle Big Data and internet of... More
This research examines industry-based dissertation research in a doctoral computing program through the lens of machine learning algorithms to determine if natural language processing-based categorization on abstracts alone is adequate for classification. This research categorizes dissertation by both their abstracts and by their full-text using the GraphLab Create library from Apple’s Turi to identify... More
In order to improve the security of home residence, this paper studies and designs an intelligent home security alarm system, using STC89C51 single chip microcomputer as the main controller of the security system, and real-time monitoring by controlling the human pyroelectric infrared sensor and smoke sensor in the case of strangers invading the security range... More
This article is based on research conducted for the European Commission Education & Training 2020 working group on digital and online learning (ET2020 WG-DOL) specifically regarding policy challenges, such as the following: 1) Targeted policy guidance on innovative and open learning environments under outcome; 2) Proposal for a quality assurance model for open and... More
The paper reviews how human-centered artificial intelligence and security primitive have influenced life in the modern world and how it’s useful in the future. Human-centered A.I. has enhanced our capabilities by the way of intelligence, human informed technology. It has created a technology that has made machines and computer intelligently carry their function. The... More