This article presents two designs, the Transaction Serial Format (TSF) and the Transaction Array Model (TAM). Together, they provide full, efficient, transaction serialization facilities for devices with limited onboard energy, such as those in an Internet of Things (IoT) network. TSF provides a compact, non-parsed, format that requires minimal processing for transaction deserialization. TAM provides... More
Abstract: Many organizations, to save costs, are moving to the Bring Your Own Mobile Device (BYOD) model and adopting applications built by third-parties at an unprecedented rate. Our research examines software assurance methodologies specifically focusing on security analysis coverage of the program analysis for mobile malware detection, mitigation, and prevention. This research focuses on secure software... More
The aim of the study is to obtain the alpha power Kumaraswamy (APK) distribution. Some main statistical properties of the APK distribution are investigated including survival, hazard rate and quantile functions, skewness, kurtosis, order statistics. The hazard rate function of the proposed distribution could be useful to model data sets with bathtub hazard rates.... More
Software development is an important part of computer technology. only by ensuring the applicability and efficiency of the software can it really improve the efficiency of production and life, and truly inject new power into the economic benefits of the industry. As the theoretical basis of software development, the software development model directly determines the... More
After production of a steel product in a steel plant, a sample of the product is tested in a laboratory for its mechanical properties like yield strength (YS), ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and percentage elongation. This paper describes a mathematical model based method which can predict the mechanical properties without testing. A neural network... More