Abstract: Intrusion detection is the investigation process of information about the system activities or its data to detect any malicious behavior or unauthorized activity. Most of the IDS implement K-means clustering technique due to its linear complexity and fast computing ability. Nonetheless, it is Naïve use of the mean data value for the cluster core that... More
Abstract: In this day and age, the usage of computers as well as Internet combined with mobile devices is an integral part of our routine especially for adolescents and younger children. Thus, it puts forward a multitude of challenges and advances for educational institutions. The purpose of this article is to explore the current use of... More
Consensus protocols are used for the distributed management of large databases in an environment without trust among participants. The choice of a specific protocol depends on the purpose and characteristics of the system itself. The subjects of the paper are consensus protocols in permissioned blockchains. The objective of this paper is to identify functional... More
Online ballot box system has the advantages of high efficiency and environmental protection, but the existing network voting technology still has a lot of matter. Almost all electronic voting system could be proved to be intrusion. The administrator of the system could tamper with the data for benefit, and the system may be attacked... More
The research problem in this study is the longitudinal optical phonon energy on metal/semiconductor interface for high performance semiconductor device. The research solution is to make the software model with finite difference time domain (FDTD) solution for transmission and reflection pulse between metal and semiconductor interface for carrier dynamics effects. The objective of this... More