In the digital age, the widespread use of Android devices has led to a surge in security threats, especially malware. Android, as the most popular mobile operating system, is a primary target for malicious actors. Conventional antivirus solutions often fall short in identifying new, modified, or zero-day attacks. To address this, researchers have explored various... More
Artificial intelligence (AI) transforms workplaces by streamlining operations, automating tasks, and enhancing decision-making. To bridge the knowledge gap in AI best practices, a workshop was created for executives, integrating change management principles. The workshop aimed to help participants understand AI's role, use AI tools for predictive analytics, and develop strategies for leveraging AI in change... More
This quantitative correlational study intends to investigate the spatiotemporal relationship between rainfall and taxi supply in Singapore. Over the period of 4 months, coordinates of all available taxis in Singapore, as well as rain value data from 66 weather stations located around the island, were collected every minute from public Application Programming Interfaces (API). Singapore... More