Precipitation is a significant index to measure the degree of drought and flood in a region, which directly reflects the local natural changes and ecological environment. It is very important to grasp the change characteristics and law of precipitation accurately for effectively reducing disaster loss and maintaining the stable development of a social economy. In... More
The air continues to be an extremely substantial part of survival on earth. Air pollution poses a critical risk to humans and the environment. Using sensor-based structures, we can get air pollutant data in real-time. However, the sensors rely upon limited-battery sources that are immaterial to be alternated repeatedly amid extensive broadcast costs associated with... More
Data analytics of an information system is conducted based on a Markov decision process (MDP) and a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) in this paper. Data analytics over a finite planning horizon and an infinite planning horizon for a discounted MDP is performed, respectively. Value iteration (VI), policy iteration (PI), and Q-learning are utilized in the data... More
This paper presents a methodology driven by database constraints for designing and developing (database) software applications. Much needed and with excellent results, this paradigm guarantees the highest possible quality of the managed data. The proposed methodology is illustrated with an easy to understand, yet complex medium-sized genealogy software application driven by more than 200 database... More