Study, Analysis and Comparison between Amazon A10 and A11 Search Algorithm
The entirety of Amazon's sales being powered by Amazon Search, one of the leading e-commerce platforms around the globe. As a result, even slight boosts in appropriateness can have a major impact on profits as well as the shopping experience of millions of users. Throughout the beginning, Amazon's product search engine was made up of a number of manually adjusted ranking processes that made use of a limited number of input features. Since that time, a significant amount has transpired. Many people overlook the fact that Amazon is a search engine, and even the biggest one for e-commerce. It is indeed time to begin treating Amazon truly as the top e-commerce search engine across the globe because it currently serves 54% of all product queries. In this paper, the authors have considered two most important Amazon search engine algorithms viz. A10 and A11 and comparative study has been discussed.
Amazon business; Algorithm; Page rank; Visibility; Search engine algorithm; E-commerceReferences
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