In the evolving situation of highly infectious coronavirus, the number of confirmed cases in India has largely increased, which has resulted in a shortage of health care resources. Thus, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare- Government of India issued guidelines for the ‘Home isolation of COVID-19 positive patients’ methodology for asymptomatic patients or with... More
The prime reason for proposing the work is designing and developing a low-cost guided wireless Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) for use in hospitals for assistance in contactless drug delivery in COVID-19 wards. The Robot is designed as per the requirements and technical specifications required for the healthcare facility. After a detailed survey and tests of... More
Features in educational data are ambiguous which leads to noisy features and curse of dimensionality problems. These problems are solved via feature selection. There are existing models for features selection. These models were created using either a single-level embedded, wrapperbased or filter-based methods. However single-level filter-based methods ignore feature dependencies and ignore the interaction... More
Alphanumerical usernames and passwords are the most used computer authentication technique. This approach has been found to have a number of disadvantages. Users, for example, frequently choose passwords that are simple to guess. On the other side, if a password is difficult to guess, it is also difficult to remember. Graphical passwords have been... More
In network settings, one of the major disadvantages that threaten the network protocols is the insecurity. In most cases, unscrupulous people or bad actors can access information through unsecured connections by planting software or what we call malicious software otherwise anomalies. The presence of anomalies is also one of the disadvantages, internet users are... More