Abstract: The paper mainly focuses on the network planning and optimization problem in the 5G telecommunication system based on the numerical investigation. There have been two portions of this work, such as network planning for efficient network models and optimization of power allocation in the 5G network. The radio network planning process has been completed based... More
With the popularity of the Internet and improvement of information technology, digital information sharing increasingly becomes the trend. More and More universities pay attention to the digital campus, and the construction of digital library has become the focus of digital campus. A set of manageable, authenticated and secure solutions are needed for remote access... More
Web page has many redundancies, especially the dynamic html multimedia object. This paper proposes a novel method to employ the commonly used image elements on web pages. Due to the various types of image format and complexity of image contents and their position information, secret message bits could be coded to embed in these... More
The use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has been rapidly growing in recent years which has converted conventional classrooms teaching environments into online learning (OL) environment. Online learning system is gaining popular and widely accepted in the world due to the current pandemic due to COVID 19. This has created an opportunity... More
Abstract: The space-time ladder theory reveals that the formation of electronic tornadoes, or the formation of electronic dissipative structures, to be precise, the enhancement of electronic Energy Qi field is the basis of superconductivity. The surrounding area of the electronic tornado is expanding, which is the basis of the Meissner effect, and the center is contracting,... More