The paper seeks to demonstrates the likelihood of embedding a 3D gaze point on a 3D visual field, the visual field is inform of a game console where the user has to play from one level to the other by overcoming obstacles that will lead them to the next level. Complex game interface is... More
Machine learning algorithms have been deployed in numerous optimization, prediction and classification problems. This has endeared them for application in fields such as computer networks and medical diagnosis. Although these machine learning algorithms achieve convincing results in these fields, they face numerous challenges when deployed on imbalanced dataset. Consequently, these algorithms are often biased towards... More
The authors wish to correct Table 7, for which details are available in the PDF.
The online version of the original article can be found at https://doi.org/10.30564/jcsr.v3i1.2761
... MoreAbstract:
Mobile devices are being deployed rapidly for both private and professional reasons. One area of that has been growing is in releasing healthcare applications into the mobile marketplaces for health management. These applications help individuals track their own biorhythms and contain sensitive information. This case study examines the source code of mobile applications released to... More
Abstract: For a tridiagonal two-layer real six-neuron model, the Hopf bifurcation was investigated by studying the eigenvalue equations of the related linear system in the literature. In the present paper, we extend this two-layer real six-neuron network model into a complex-valued delayed network model. Based on the mathematical analysis method, some sufficient conditions to guarantee the... More
Abstract: Latent fingerprints are the unintentional impressions found at the crime scenes and are considered crucial evidence in criminal identification. Law enforcement and forensic agencies have been using latent fingerprints as testimony in courts. However, since the latent fingerprints are accidentally leftover on different surfaces, the lifted prints look inferior. Therefore, a tremendous amount of research... More