Data, Analytics, and Intelligence
We are living in an age of big data, analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI). After reviewing a dozen different books on big data, data analytics, data science, AI, and business intelligence (BI), there are the current questions: 1) What are the relationships between data, analytics, and intelligence? 2) What are the relationships between big data and big data analytics? 3) What is the relationship between BI and data analytics? This article first discusses the heuristics of the Greek philosopher Plato and French mathematician Descartes and how to reshape the world. Then it addresses the above questions based on a Boolean structure, which destructs big data, data analytics, data science, and AI into data, analytics, and intelligence as the Boolean atoms. Data, analytics, and intelligence are reorganized and reassembled, based on the Boolean structure, to data analytics, analytics intelligence, data intelligence, and data analytics intelligence. The research will analyse each of them after examining the system intelligence. The proposed approach in this research might facilitate the research and development of big data, data analytics, AI, and data science.
Big data; Big analytics; Business intelligence; Artificial intelligence; Data scienceReferences
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