Remote working in the period of the COVİD-19
Working remotely was an option for the employees before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it's become a new working format and compulsory for the white collars to work at home. Even if it seems attractive at first look, the new format of working style actually has caused lots of problems especially on employees' mental health. The social life, private comfort zone, and working environment of the workers have mixed with each other and the equilibrium among them which gave certainty and predictability is totally broken now. Actually, the employees started to search for a new normal and balance in the pandemic. I am planning to focus on occupational stress that popped up in the pandemic with regard remote working. It is structured to focus on the problems which are the broken balance between work and family, the problem of workload and over-working, the future ambiguity about the career, and miscommunication, to analyze how these problems bring out mental health disorder with giving experiments done by other researchers. In the final part, I will try to give some suggestions on how to get over it or reduce it.
Covid-19; Remoteworking; Conflict; Loneliness; Workload; Depression; Anxiety; HelplessnessReferences
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