The ‘success’ of a polygraph examination is predicated on the establishment of differential or emotional salience (a ‘psychological set’) with an examinee. This, according to polygraph proponents, guarantees that an examinee will respond appropriately during the administration of the in-test (questioning) phase of the polygraph examination. However, polygraph procedure, as prescribed by its governing... More
Over the last few decades, cross-fertilization between marketing and fan-dom studies in a mediated world has been rare, hindering the knowledge development for marketing practitioners in the Chinese fan economy context. The purpose of this study is to find and establish a conceptual framework that includes Online Interaction (OI), Parasocial Relationships (PSR) and virtual... More
The development of bilingualism of a bilingual child is inextricably linked with the formation of an individual folklore-linguistic picture of the world. In this regard, proverbs, sayings, riddles and folk phraseology as universal phenomena of folklore of the Russian and Greek languages, which have important linguistic and cultural potential, are of particular interest from the... More
Objective: To understand the current situation of undergraduates' flow experience in leisure and life satisfaction, and to explore the relationship between the two. Methods: A stratified random sampling method was used to select 781 undergraduates (377 males and 410 females) from 7 colleges and universities in Guangdong Province. They were investigated using the Flow Experience in Leisure Questionnaire (FELQ) and... More