A challenge for many School-Based Family Counseling (SBFC) practitioners, child psychotherapists and researchers are finding ways to give voice to children and eliciting trustworthy and detailed narratives that could serve as resource for understanding the needs of young clients in the context of all their interpersonal networks. Children are often reticent when asked to self-disclose and... More
Behavioral operations management (BOM) is one of the new areas in operations management. In the past 12 years, the field has made huge progress and researchers have become interested in this new perspective to solving operational problems. BOM is now one of the major subfields of operations management. In this paper, we examine and categorize... More
Eyewitness memory is widely studied in the forensic context, due to their proneness to make unreliable testimonies. Understanding which factors may impact memory is determinant to avoid wrongful convictions in court. In this exploratory study, the relation between stress and anxiety and memory errors (spontaneous and induced) was analyzed being hypothesized that negative emotions may impair... More
Immersive theatre means put audience into the space where the story take place. Actors and actresses perform in the authentic environment and audience also in this environment, watching the peoceeding of the story closely. With the success of Sleep No More, more and more people pay attention to immersive theatre. Some Chinese theatre directors... More
Information commitments are a profile of evaluative standards and information searching strategies on the Internet. The purpose of this study is to examine the reliability and validity of the information commitments instrument in consumption domain, and differences among scales underlying the instrument. A total of 258 university students participated in the survey who have experiences in online shopping. Using... More