Middle school serves as a pivotal juncture in career development, where adolescents grapple with adaptability challenges during transitional phases such as entrance exams and the selection of elective majors. Simultaneously, they embark on integrating their ongoing learning tasks with their ideal aspirations to lay the groundwork for future career development. Against this backdrop, the significance... More
Background: Career adaptability is regarded as the core index to measure the adequacy of youth’s “career readiness”, which refers to the psychological resources of individuals to cope with current or expected career tasks, career changes or career difficulties. Methods: In this study, 529 students (246 male students, 46.5%, 283 female students, 53.5%) in the first grade of a... More
A substantial literature has emerged in recent years advocating the view that women and men have different definitions, approaches and emanating perspectives of work. However, many of these assumptions regarding gender differences in construal of work are not empirically supported. Within the framework of the psychological contract, this study contributes to the literature by analysing... More