Objectives: Chronic illnesses are more prevalent in males. The expectations of caregiving, thus falls on the women. Role expectations from women, increases stress, strain and the possibility of Psychological health concerns. In this paper, we explore the psychological health, as well as the levels of marital and sexual satisfaction of women caregivers.
Method: The sample consisted of... More
Social science researches at present emphasize the construction of relations between multiple constructs. Psychological science is no exception. Before verifying whether their hypotheses are true with a questionnaire method or experimental method, scholars will check out the hot topics of recent years and construct multiple mediating and moderating relations... More
The Psychological Emergency Service (PES) at psychology school clinics is an unscheduled and free psychological service to meet urgent demands. From this service, some patients whose complaints require more time for clinical work are referred to the Extended Screening (ES), a modality composed of six extra appointments. This study aims to analyze the sociodemographic... More
Sleep problems in childhood are frequent and may cause damage to the children and their families; however, parental orientation appears to be effective in its many new formats, such as the distance treatment. This study aimed to review the literature about behavioral intervention performed by distance to sleep problems in childhood and summarize... More