Exercise is an essential contributor to both physical and mental health and is a significant part of a person’s overall lifestyle. With the increasing popularity of exercise trackers, researchers were interested in the effects of sham exercise trackers on perceptions of workouts and affect. Researchers predicted participants wearing a sham Fitbit band would report greater... More
The study examined the effect of pre-marital counseling on marital satisfaction and the relationship of three psychological variables, intimacy, self-esteem and locus of control among married couples who received marital counseling and married couples who did not receive marital counseling. The study employed a cross-sectional survey. Standardized questionnaires were used to assess all variables of... More
In a fast-paced career, employees are facing more and more pressure, and job burnout caused by long-term work pressure has become the main reason for many employees to leave. If the job burnout can’t be effectively resolved, it will have a great impact on personal future development and the good running of the enterprise. Starting... More
Abstract: Reminiscing by older adults can facilitate beneficial outcomes through the preparation for the end of life, the cohesiveness of life narratives, and creation of life meanings. Given this, and the historical challenges of communication between generations, the objective of this study was two-fold: (1) to harness the beneficial role reminiscence can play in the mental... More
The Coronavirus pandemics, or the COVID-19, came as an unwelcomed guest that did not want to leave, where people until today do not know for sure all the ways it affects people’s health and overall being. The year of 2020 will be remembered as the one in which life almost stopped. A year full of... More
To explore the status of undergraduates’ WeChat usage and upward social comparison, and analyze the relationship between the above two variables. Totally 754 WeChat undergraduates were selected through poster recruitment from 5 colleges in Guangdong Province. They were investigated with Access Frequency to Social Networking Site Scale (AFSNSS), Upward Social Comparison Subscale of Iowa-Nwtherlands Comparison... More
Abstract: This paper is the result of an investigation of the flora and traditional knowledge in the conception of Javaé indigenous people from the Txuiri village located on Bananal Island, Brazil. The objective is to investigate the plants used by these indigenous people, their diverse uses and to understand how traditional knowledge is passed on to... More
Working remotely was an option for the employees before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, it's become a new working format and compulsory for the white collars to work at home. Even if it seems attractive at first look, the new format of working style actually has caused lots of problems especially on employees' mental health.... More