View Vol. 3 ,  Iss. 4 (October 2021)

Journal of Psychological Research

ISSN: 2630-5143 (Online)

Vol. 3 , Iss. 4 (October 2021)

  • Article

    Psychological Risk Factors of Terrorist Offenders in Indonesia

    Zora A. Sukabdi

    Article ID: 3748    DOI:
    509  (Abstract) 250  (Download)


    Psychological criminogenic factors for identifying terrorist offenders at risk of recidivism in Indonesia remain unclear; hence the adequate assessment to those involved with terrorism and measurement of effective terrorism rehabilitation are questioned. ‘MIKRA’ Risk Assessment was developed to identify individual criminogenic risk factors and needs of terrorist offenders in Indonesia. It is formulated... More

  • Article

    The Mindset of Innovation: Contributions of Cognitive and Social Psychology


    Article ID: 3480    DOI:
    414  (Abstract) 312  (Download)


    In order to consider anything as new, individuals have to accept it as
    possible. To consider it as innovative, a person has to see it as necessary.
    These two concepts, derived from Piaget's theory (1987), are key elements
    for the analysis of innovation mindset. Theoretical framework explains
    how “opening up for new possibilities” implies overcoming pseudo
    impossibilities, and how possibilities... More

  • Article

    Survey on the Evasion Factors of a Psychology School Clinic

    Bruno Henrique Maciel, Vanessa Fradique de Sousa, Fernanda Pessolo Rocha, Caroline Zago Rosa

    Article ID: 3695    DOI:
    331  (Abstract) 164  (Download)


    The Psychology School Clinic enables the practice of internships in
    which students apply their theoretical knowledge in procedures made
    available free of charge by the university to the community. Through the
    characterization of the reasons for evasion of cases dismissed in 2019, it is
    proposed to identify the causes of the psychological services offered and,
    therefore, to outline possible parameters... More

  • Article

    Strokes of Strength: An Expressive Arts-based Intervention with Adolescents

    Khwaish Sharma, Priti Dhawan

    Article ID: 3585    DOI:
    685  (Abstract) 309  (Download)


    In order to explore how adolescents who have been affected by traumatic
    experiences would respond to an expressive arts-based intervention, a
    module was designed, implemented and its effect on certain behavioral
    and emotional constructs was evaluated. The sample included 10 female
    adolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 who underwent a 2-month long
    group expressive arts therapy in their... More

  • Reviews

    Literature Review of Measurements of Personality Traits across Cultures

    Kexin Jiang

    Article ID: 3838    DOI:
    681  (Abstract) 399  (Download)


    After more than one century’s exploration from academia, both researches and measurements related to human personality traits have been fully developed with the effort of many researchers. Big Five, as one of the most popular assessments for personality traits, was formed based on the etic approach assuming there should be a universal or generalizable measurement... More

  • Editorial

    Integrating Etic and Emic Approaches in Psychological Research

    Inna Reddy Edara

    Article ID: 4082    DOI:
    308  (Abstract) 176  (Download)


    Amid an ever-expanding embrace of globalization,
    there is also a growing emphasis on understanding human
    psychology in a specific local context. Moberg cautioned
    that any attempts to ignore particularities while favoring
    globalization or universalim in psychology might not
    only be unrealistic but probably dangerous [1]. To conduct
    realistic psychology research, it is necessary to integrate
    both etic and emic approaches. The etic... More