At present, classroom instruction should be a self-regulated process and the learner who is self-motivated to explore problems and situations. For learning, the students are learning through the web as a source of knowledge, the learning environment should be shifted to a learner-centered rather than teacher-centered environment. Commerce education is to be directed towards... More
Coronavirus, our new chemical enemy, have become successful in changing our lives to an extent that now we have to think twice before stepping out of house. It has impacted negatively on not only our physical health but also psychological health. The current study was done to see the impact of coronavirus related anxiety on... More
A sudden outbreak of the current pandemic COVID-19 has switches the learning to online mode which leads to an increase in perceived academic stress and a serious threat to the mental well-being of the students across the globe. The aim of the current study was therefore, to examine the impact of online learning on perceived... More
Abstract: With the frequent occurrence of adolescents' psychological problems, it is of great practical significance to study the mental health of adolescents. Because the family environment of different teenagers is different, the education method and educational environment of each family may have a huge impact on the mental health of teenagers. The article will study the... More
Development in medical intervention has significantly decreased the mortality rates for children with complex congenital heart disease (CHD) but among these survivors with complex heart disease there occurs a unique pattern of neuro-developmental and neuropsychology impairment characterized social interaction impairment, impulsive Behavior, and impaired executive functions. Presence of behavioral problem is found significantly high in... More
Abstract: The study examined the predictor of perceived stress among youth. The variables used in the current study were day time sleepiness, quality of life and perceived stress. The sample consists of 150 youth (81Male & 69 Female) with in the age range of 18-24 years. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), World Health Organization Quality of... More
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has been extensively applied as a clinical intervention by researchers’ who have made on-the-spot decisions research as part of their practice. This research was provided via a knowledge transfer of 8 weeks of MBSR based on the original MBSR version. The main objective of this study was to offer... More
The present study examined the inverse relationship between empathy (cognitive and affective) and forms of aggression (physical, verbal, anger and hostility). Previous research has continuously argued that empathy mitigates forms of aggression in individuals due to cognitive perspective taking and emotional sharing with others, that buffer hostile behaviour towards one another. However, there is a... More