The Impact of Pre-Marital Counseling and Psychological Variables on Marital Satisfaction Among Married Couples in Laterbiokoshie, Accra, Ghana
The study examined the effect of pre-marital counseling on marital satisfaction and the relationship of three psychological variables, intimacy, self-esteem and locus of control among married couples who received marital counseling and married couples who did not receive marital counseling. The study employed a cross-sectional survey. Standardized questionnaires were used to assess all variables of interest. Data entry, validation and analysis was done using the Statistical Product and Services Solution software (SPSS version 25). The total number of study participants were 720. The sample was predominantly female, 430 (60%) and Christian, 675 (94%). Study participants who were married by ordinance comprised 400 (56%) and most of them attended pre-marital counseling 470 (65%) for at least five months (Mean, S.D. = 5.543.44). The results showed that couples who attended pre-marital counseling before marriage were more significantly satisfied with their marriages than those who did not attend pre-marital counseling before marrying [t(718) = 2.050, p<.05]. Intimacy and self-esteem significantly influenced marital satisfaction among married couples who received pre-marital counseling, whereas only intimacy had a significant influence among couples who did not receive pre-marital counseling. Pre-marital counseling should be encouraged in all counseling centers and churches.
Preparation for marriage; Intimacy; Self-esteem; Locus of control; Closeness; Therapy; Marital fulfillmenReferences
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