The Mindset of Innovation: Contributions of Cognitive and Social Psychology
In order to consider anything as new, individuals have to accept it aspossible. To consider it as innovative, a person has to see it as necessary.These two concepts, derived from Piaget's theory (1987), are key elementsfor the analysis of innovation mindset. Theoretical framework explainshow “opening up for new possibilities” implies overcoming pseudoimpossibilities, and how possibilities are built up alongside individualdevelopment. In short, an innovation has to be considered possible andnecessary, feasible and viable. Thus, the cognitive processes involvedin defining what is possible, and accepting what doesn't have to be theold way, are crucial mental structures subjacent to innovations’ decisionmaking. This study examines mindset through mental models, cognitiveprocesses and executive functions, as well as Piaget and Gestalt theory'scontributions. The empirical investigation involved a search for articlespublished on the theme between 2019 and 2021, concluding that they applythe innovation mindset definition, taking for granted the psychologicalmechanisms inlayed in it. The article also points up to the gap betweenmanagement and psychology, indicating the urgent need of interdisciplinarystudies, due to the mutual benefits for both sciences and also, bettercomprehension of the constructs.Keywords:
Mindset; Possibilities; Necessities; Creativity; Executive functions; InnovationReferences
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