Relationship between Sexual Fantasy, Sexual Communication, Personality Traits and Sexual Satisfaction in Married Individuals
The study aimed to understand the relationship between sexual fantasy, sexual communication, personality traits and sexual satisfaction in married individuals. Sexual fantasy as a variable has seldom been studied in the Indian context. The importance of sexual fantasies has been noted by therapists and researchers. Studying various aspects of sexual functioning in married life including, sexual communication and sexual satisfaction and personality traits would be beneficial. A cross sectional design with a total sample of 100 married individuals was considered. Tools were administered as online forms. Parametric and Non-parametric tests were used to find the correlation between Sexual fantasy and sexual satisfaction, sexual communication and sexual satisfaction and personality traits and sexual satisfaction. Results indicated that sexual fantasy and sexual satisfaction have a negative correlation, sexual communication and sexual satisfaction have a positive correlation and personality traits and sexual satisfaction also have a positive correlation. This study can be used to develop modules that might aid in marital and sex therapy. It may be useful in identifying any difficulties or issues which may help in providing appropriate timely interventionKeywords:
Sexual Fantasy; Sexual Satisfaction; Sexual Communication; Personality traits; Married individualsReferences
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