Strokes of Strength: An Expressive Arts-based Intervention with Adolescents


  • Khwaish Sharma Department of Psychology, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi, Delhi, 110024, India
  • Priti Dhawan Department of Psychology, Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi, Delhi, 110024, India



In order to explore how adolescents who have been affected by traumaticexperiences would respond to an expressive arts-based intervention, amodule was designed, implemented and its effect on certain behavioraland emotional constructs was evaluated. The sample included 10 femaleadolescents between the ages of 12 and 17 who underwent a 2-month longgroup expressive arts therapy in their institutional home, namely, PrayasJuveline Aid Centre, New Delhi, India. The tools which were used toassess the changes in the pre – post intervention scores in self – reportedbehavioral and emotional difficulties were: The Youth Self Report Form(YSR Form 11-18, CBCL; ASEBA, 2001) and the ‘Severity of Post –Traumatic Stress Scale’ (NSESSS; APA, 2013). The tools used to assessthe changes in the pre – post intervention ratings of the caregiver were,the ‘DSM – 5 Parent / Guardian Rated Level 1 Cross Cutting SymptomMeasure’ (APA, 2013) and the ‘Caregiver’s Observation Checklist:Children at – risk’ (WCCL, 2013). The results revealed that 4-weekexpressive arts -based intervention elicited a statistically significantdifference in the self – reported behavioural and emotional difficultiesby the participants. The verbatim reports, diary excerpts and paintings ofthe participants were qualitatively analysed. In future, there is room toinvestigate how an intervention with a longer duration and a representativesample would explain the effectiveness of expressive – arts-based therapywith such populations.


Intervention Effectiveness; Trauma; Child Sexual Abuse; Adolescents From Traumatised Backgrounds; Expressive Arts Based Therapy


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How to Cite

Sharma, K., & Dhawan, P. (2021). Strokes of Strength: An Expressive Arts-based Intervention with Adolescents. Journal of Psychological Research, 3(4), 36–41.


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