Survey on the Evasion Factors of a Psychology School Clinic
The Psychology School Clinic enables the practice of internships inwhich students apply their theoretical knowledge in procedures madeavailable free of charge by the university to the community. Through thecharacterization of the reasons for evasion of cases dismissed in 2019, it isproposed to identify the causes of the psychological services offered and,therefore, to outline possible parameters for discussion and adjustment forthe given procedure. A descriptive survey of information collected fromclosed records was carried out.We surveyed 422 medical records that wereclosed in 2019, of which made it possible to identify the factors, namely:waiting time for care, telephone contact difficulties and the specificity ofemotional demand. These results allowed for a better understanding of theserved clientele and, therefore, it was possible to consider new strategiesin an attempt to reduce the evasion rate of the service, as greater visibilityof the device, reaching a larger population, as well as the propagation ofgood results. We emphasize the importance of the constant production ofstudies like this one, aiming, through the availability of data, to maintainthe teaching process and improve service to the public.Keywords:
School Clinic; Evasion; Psychology.References
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Copyright © 2021 Bruno Henrique Maciel, Vanessa Fradique de Sousa, Fernanda Pessolo Rocha, Caroline Zago Rosa

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