Psychometrics of the SDQ-I for Palestinian Adolescent Students
The Self-description Questionnaire–I (SDQ–I) is a multidimensional instrument that measures eight self-concept facets hypothesized in Shavelson’s hierarchical model. This study investigated self-concept in a sample of Palestinian adolescent students using an Arabic version of the SDQ–I. Three-hundred sixty adolescents (163 girls and 197 boys) aged 13 to 16 years (M = 14.3, SD = .87) participated. The 72-item SDQ–I was administered in four Palestinian schools to assess the psychometric properties of the SDQ–I. This included the factor structure and the internal consistency reliability of the SDQ–I subscales and mean score responses of Palestinian self-concept. Factor analysis results, which accounted for the majority of the variance, supported an underlying general self-concept factor structure that demonstrated the eight factors that the SDQ–I is designed to measure. This is consistent with previous studies in similar age groups and the SDQ– I reliabilities were similar to those reported in the literature. Students perceived total self-concept positively (mean = 3.71). Three facets of self-concept (parent relations, reading, and general self-concept) indicated high positive selfconcept. Correlations among the different dimensions were consistent with the hierarchical structure in Shavelson’s model. Overall, the findings provided compelling support for Shavelson’s model, and the structure validity of Western self-concept measure. Interpretations were provided for the discrepancies regarding the Palestinian-Arab culture.Keywords:
Self-concept; Adolescent; Palestinian students; Self-description questionnaireReferences
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