Analysis of Status and Influencing Factors of Psychology Resilience Level in Cancer Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy
Objective: To analyse the status and discuss influencing factors of the psychology resilience level of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and to provide evidence for clinical rehabilitation intervention. Methods: A total of 320 patients with cancer undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy who were hospitalized in the Affiliated Hospital of North China University of Science and Technology and Tangshan Worker’s Hospital in China from September 2022 to November 2022 were selected as the research subjects. The surveys were conducted using the general information questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Scale (CD-RICS), Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index Scale (PSQI). Results: The psychology resilience score of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy was 64.23 ± 15.20, lower than the average level of resilience of adults in China (70.50 ± 13.48) and American adults’ normal value (80.4 ± 12.8). Perceived social support was 58.13 ± 14.04 and positively correlated with the level of psychology resilience (r = 0.210, P < 0.05). Sleep quality was 10.57 ± 4.85, which showed most people have sleep quality disorder and was negatively correlated with the level of psychology resilience (r = –0.200, P < 0.05). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that age, education level and disease stage were the main influencing factors in the level of psychological resilience in cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy (P < 0.05). Conclusions: The level of psychological resilience of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy is at a low level, and there are many influencing factors. Targeted medical care should be carried out according to the factors affecting the level of resilience to promote the mental health of patients.
Psychology resilience; Chemotherapy; RadiotherapyReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Liya Xu, Lida C. Landicho, Elna R. Lopez

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