Attitudes of the Host Population towards Syrian Refugees: A New Theoretical Perspective
This study delves into the nuanced attitudes of the host community in Izmir, Turkey, towards Syrian refugees, employing a robust threat and benefit theoretical model. It scrutinizes the multifaceted factors contributing to perceived threats and benefits, elucidates the reasons behind the variation in these attitudes, identifies the individuals responsible for holding these perspectives, pinpoints the specific contexts in which they manifest, examines the temporal dimension of these attitudes, and dissects the profound impact they have on mutual adaptation processes and the formulation of migration policies. A diverse group of 34 participants from the host community actively engaged in semi-structured interviews, comprising 16 females and 18 males across an age spectrum spanning 19 to 64 years. Thematic analysis methodically uncovered that economic and demographic considerations prominently constitute the bedrock of perceived threats, while conversely, the study illuminated financial contributions as pivotal benefits. The in-depth understanding garnered from this study holds significant promise for fostering enduring mutual adaptation between the host and refugee communities, thereby cultivating a more harmonious coexistence. Additionally, this nuanced insight informs the strategic development of immigration policies, ensuring they align with the evolving dynamics of this complex relationship.
Attitude; Prejudice; Syrians; Social identity; Threat-benefit modelReferences
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