Ways of Representation of Main Suggestive Strategies and Tactics in Law Discourse
This article is devoted to the research of the mechanisms of suggestive influence represented in professional layers – prosecutors and attorneys – speech within the English law discourse on the material of a particular witness examination part of the court procedure. Some basic suggestive strategies and tactics used in this step and brief characteristics of their intentiality and ways of representation are presented. It is stated that suggestion as a means of persuasion and manipulation on a psyche is possible only due to the existence of a certain mechanism which gives a person an opportunity to perceive the suggested influences and reflect them. The authors suppose that the analysis of an effective manipulation of professional opponents – a plaintiff and a defendant (some basic suggestive-psychological algorithms used at the opening statement as well as suggestive strategies, tactics and methods applied) might considerably enhance the perspectives of studying characteristic features of law discourse thus allowing to get closer to the understanding of how a person’s brain works as well as the nature of consciousness and subconsciousness together with the anthropocentric approach aimed at realization of manipulation/suggestion within the situation of an institutional communication.
Suggestion; Witness examination; Cross-examination; Suggestive strategies; Suggestive tacticsReferences
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