Career Exploration and Career Adaptation in Middle School Students: The Moderating Effect of Perceived Parental Expectations
Good career adaptability is the bridge for students to enter the society successfully. In recent years, the employment situation is more and more severe, and the employment pressure continues to move to the middle school group, and the career adaptability of middle school students and its influencing factors have gradually become an important issue in career development. Therefore, this study focuses on the group of middle school students and discusses the influence of personal factors and family factors on their career adaptability.In order to explore the relationship between middle school students' career exploration and career adaptation, and the role of parents' expectation perception in it.In this study, Career Resilience Scale, Career Exploration Scale and Parents' Expectations perceived by Middle school students were adopted.A questionnaire survey was conducted among 340 non-graduating students from three middle schools in Beijing. SPSS 21.0, AMOS plug-in and Process plug-in were used to analyze the data. The results show that there are significant differences in perceived parental expectations by gender and school level. There is a significant positive correlation between perceived parental expectation and career exploration and career adaptation, and a significant negative correlation between career exploration and career adaptation. There is a significant correlation between the dimensions of middle school students' career exploration, perceived parents' expectations, career adaptability and their total scores, and perceived parents' expectations play a moderating role between middle school students' career exploration and career adaptability.
Career exploration; Career adaptability; Perceiving parental expectations; Middle school studentReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Tianlin liu, Junqing Yue, ZeRen Liang, Shixiang Liu

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