The Relationship Between Parents' Expectations and Career Adaptability of Primary School Students: The Mediating Effect of Proactive Personality


  • Yizhuo Feng

    Teachers College of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100011, China

  • Liu Shixiang

    Teachers College of Beijing Union University, Beijing 100011, China

Received: 10 November 2024 | Revised: 15 December 2024 | Accepted: 28 December 2024 | Published Online: 10 February 2025


With the development and changes of society and the further iteration and renewal of parents' concepts, the importance and influence of future career planning of primary school students have become increasingly prominent. Parental expectation is a very important part of influencing proactive personality, and it is also an important part of improving career adaptability, personal quality and comprehensive ability. This study explores the relationship between parents' expectation, proactive personality and career adaptability of primary school students. This paper deeply analyzes the influence of proactive personality on career adaptability, so as to provide theoretical support for improving the career adaptability of primary school students. In this study, the Chinese version of "Career Resilience", "Parental Expectation Questionnaire" and "Proactive Personality Measurement" (PPS) were used as research tools to conduct psychological measurement on 287 students in grade 5 and 6 of a primary school in Beijing. SPSS29.0 and Process statistical software were used to explore the status quo and relationship of proactive personality, parents' expectation and career adaptability of primary school students. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) The correlation analysis results between parental expectation and proactive personality are significant, and there is a significant positive correlation. (2) The correlation analysis results between parents' expectations and career adaptability are significant, and there is a significant positive correlation. (3) The correlation analysis results between career adaptability and proactive personality were significant, showing a significant positive correlation. (4) Both parents' expectation and proactive personality have significant direct and positive effects on career adaptability, and proactive personality plays a partial mediating role between parents' expectation and career adaptability.


Primary School Students; Parental Expectations; Proactive Personality; Career Adaptability; Mediating Effect


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How to Cite

Feng, Y., & Shixiang , L. (2025). The Relationship Between Parents’ Expectations and Career Adaptability of Primary School Students: The Mediating Effect of Proactive Personality. Journal of Psychological Research, 7(1), 1–8.


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