Aeromagnetic Interpretation of Basement Structures and Geometry in Parts of the Middle Benue Trough, North Central, Nigeria
The research of an analysis of aeromagnetic data collected in the middle Benue Trough in north-central Nigeria is presented. A detailed analysis of basement structures is conducted in order to identify regions with high hydrocarbon potential that is different from those discovered by earlier researchers. Aeromagnetic data were filtered by using the Butterworth and Gaussian filters, transformed by engaging the reduction to the equator technique, and subsequently enhanced. To estimate magnetic basement depths at various places throughout the basin, the Euler deconvolution depth weighting approach was used. Eleven (11) sub-basins with depths ranging from –2000 m to –8000 m were also identified by Euler's findings. The sub-basins trend in the NE-SW direction while the average sediment thickness is found to be more than 3 km. The extracted structural features indicate areas like Kadi Blam and Kado areas in the southeastern part and Ogoja and Obudu in the southern part of the study area as regions with high structural densities. These areas coincide with the areas delineated as the sub-basins. The cross-sections generated reveal depressions caused by the action of some tectonic activities in the area. This study identified undulating basement topography believed to be due to tectonic activities as well as five areas that are possible targets for hydrocarbon exploration.
Aeromagnetic data; Euler deconvolution; Basement structures; Hydrocarbon potentials; Middle Benue TroughReferences
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