Some Results of Direct FR Technology Applied to Study Methane Seepage Areas in the Arctic Region
The experimental study of the seepage processes' sources formation in structures of the Arctic Region was carried out using modified methods of frequency-resonance (FR) processing and decoding of satellite images and photographs with the vertical scanning of the cross-sections. The newly obtained results show that the intensity and dynamics of the methane seeps and pockmarks fields’ formation depend on active deep degassing processes in the continental margin structures. The use of direct FR-sounding technologies allows for determining the probable origin and depth of geological sources of gas migration at marginal migration centers in Greenland, and Norwegian and Barents Seas. New results confirm the crust-mantle gas fluids’ influence on the nature and degassing processes features in the scan points of polar marginal structures. These data are important arguments in favor of the “volcanic model” of various structural elements formation in this and other regions. The FR technologies data also showed a possibility of seeps use as shallow and deep hydrocarbon field indicators in gas emission areas. These independent data can be used in compiling models of the deep lithosphere structure and possible mechanisms of abiogenetic hydrocarbon formation in Arctic margin structures. The authors suppose that hydrocarbons through deep channels migrate (from 57 km deep) to the upper crustal horizons where their fields can form. During this migration, gas seeps and pockmarks are formed on the sea bottom and part of the gas can migrate into the atmosphere. Data show that basaltic volcanoes in Greenland scan points can be the real channels through which hydrogen migrates to the upper crustal horizons and further into the atmosphere. Active gas migration in Arctic seepage areas can be an important factor in the global climate change processes.
FR mobile technologies; Active hydrocarbon seepage; Greenland; Spitsbergen; Polar ArcticReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Mykola Yakymchuk, Ignat Korchagin, Valery Soloviev

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