Correlation of Ground Penetrating Radar Data with Geotechnical Prospect Profiles: Reduto Case Study, Belém-PA, Brazil
The study presented in this manuscript aimed to relate the sedimentary strata imaged by the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method through numerical modeling with the mapping of sedimentary strata acquired through geotechnical surveys. The study aimed to expose how obtaining subsoil information through noninvasive/destructive electromagnetic waves is beneficial, as they are reliable and less costly than drilling holes beyond what is necessary to have a subsurface mapping. In this sense, physical-geological modeling was carried out. The information on the type of sediments, acquired through simple recognition surveys carried out in the city of Belém-PA, helped to create a model of a sedimentary package with its respective intrinsic physical properties. The result shows that the GPR recovered with good vertical and horizontal resolution at the beginning and end of the layers of the sedimentary package studied, proving to be very effective for locating geotechnical sounding points and safely reducing costs.
Geotechnical prospecting; Ground penetrating radar; Numerical modelingReferences
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