Enhancing Reading Proficiency through Augmented Reality for Word Recognition Advancement
This study investigates the effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) in enhancing word recognition among participants at the frustration level. Adopting a one-group pre-test-post-test design, the research involved 223 Grade 7 and Grade 8 learners from a public secondary school in the Philippines. The intervention utilized AR-powered reading books to immerse them in interactive and visually engaging word recognition activities. Results indicate an improvement in the post-test scores after the intervention. A significant difference was also observed between the pre-test and post-test scores. The results highlight the effectiveness of AR technology as a promising pedagogical tool in addressing challenges in word recognition. Future research endeavors should concentrate on addressing the existing gaps in the literature regarding AR interventions aimed at enhancing word recognition skills. It is recommended that such studies adopt longitudinal and comparative methodologies to explore the sustained effects of these interventions over time. Additionally, these studies should aim to identify best practices and uncover potential synergies between AR interventions and other instructional methods. This approach will contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of AR in educational settings and its integration with traditional and innovative teaching strategies.
Reading proficiency; Augmented reality; Word recognition; Intervention program; Interactive learningReferences
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