Kazakhstani Simultaneous Interpreters’ Perceptions Concerning Interpretation Techniques and Tools
This study examines the key issues of simultaneous interpretation from the practitioners’ viewpoint. It is framed within the context of interpreters’ competences and the main tools and strategies like probability forecasting, segmentation, simultaneous interpreters deal with under Kazakhstani multilingual conditions. To analyze those issues, the authors used such data collection tools as semi-structured interviews with the practitioners as well as interpreters’ introspection which unveil some techniques used by interpreters consciously and unconsciously. The validity and reliability of the research were verified by ANOVA. Consequently, the main research objective is to show the interpreters’ opinion concerning the main issues of simultaneous interpretation process, so it will be valuable for both in-service and pre-service interpreters as they conduct the introspective analysis of the working process and results; also, it reveals some problems interpreters face to while doing their work. Such phenomena as probability forecasting, compression technique, segmentation of the source texts and others related to simultaneous interpretation are observed by practitioners who demonstrate both their attitude and necessity of their academic upgrading. Also, one of the main findings of our study is related to the interpreters’ reflection concerning such tool of their work as auditory speech recognition.
Simultaneous Interpretation; Text Segmentation; Sentence Model in Interpretation; Probability Forecasting; Compression; Auditory RecognitionReferences
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Copyright © 2024 Moussa Diagne Faye, Vini Yves Bernadin Loyara, Amadou Keita, Mamadou Diop, Angelbert Chabi Biaou, Mahamadou Koita, Hamma Yacouba

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