National Corpus of the Kazakh Language: Prosodic Features of the Poetic Discourse
The poetic subcorpus of the Kazakh language is essential for studying the works of Kazakh poets, identifying the intonational features of poetry, and developing a system of prosodic knowledge. The poetic subcorpus within the National Corpus of the Kazakh Language serves as a tool for studying the language of Kazakh poetry and poetic texts. The corpus database compiles the poems and epics of contemporary Kazakh poets, showcasing their prosodic features and annotations. Each poet's works are assigned meta-markup. This unique aspect of the poetic subcorpus bridges the fields of literature and linguistics. In marking the phonetic and prosodic features of the poem, research on Kazakh phonetics and intonation was used as a guiding reference. As a result, a melodic pattern characteristic of the Kazakh language intonation was established, and the pronunciation was set according to orthoepic norms. This article examines the issue of the poetic subcorpus of the Kazakh language for the first time. It describes the unique features of the poems by poets included in the poetic subcorpus database and analyzes them from orthoepic and prosodic perspectives. As a digital resource, the poetic subcorpus allows any user to access comprehensive information about Kazakh poets and to explore their poems, which have been analyzed from orthoepic and prosodic perspectives. These subcorpora compile poetic texts, but the Kazakh poetic subcorpus is distinguished by its focus on prosodic features. The article analyzes the poems of Kazakh poets M. Shakhanov and I. Zhansugurov within the poetic subcorpus.
Poetic Discourse; Corpus Linguistics; Prosody; Intoneme; SoundReferences
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Copyright © 2025 A.Zh. Amanbayeva, Zh.T. Zhumabayeva, Z.M. Bazarbayev, A.M. Fazylzhanova, N.B. Ospangaziyeva
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