Rebellious Facebook Texts: A Photographic and Stylistic Portrayal of Society Through Electronic Imagery by Harith Ma’ad & Manal Hamdi
Facebook has become a vibrant platform for sharing short prose and poetry, offering writers a space to express themselves and seek feedback from a broad audience. While many users are content with "likes" on their posts, others yearn for more meaningful engagement and validation of their literary skills, which they often overestimate. Amid this digital cacophony, certain individuals genuinely stand out as poets and writers, leveraging Facebook to reach global audiences. The concise, high-quality nature of their texts resonates with the platform’s fast-paced environment, contrasting with the longer, traditional forms of print media that electronic platforms increasingly overshadow. This study focuses on the rhetorical imagery in the works of Jordanian poet Manal Hamdi and Iraqi poet Harith Ma’ad, whose poetic prose has earned them substantial followings. By delving into the stylistic and rhetorical elements of their writing, the research aims to reveal how their themes and content align with and contribute to current trends in world literature. Central to their works are concepts such as love, rebellion, societal liberation, and the existential experience of loneliness. These themes not only reflect contemporary cultural and social dynamics but also demonstrate how these writers are actively redefining the boundaries of literature in the digital age, merging tradition with modernity.
Harith Ma’ad; Manal Hamdi; Prose Poetry; Rhetorical Imagery; Prose StylisticsReferences
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