Computer-Assisted Language Learning: Insights from Jordanian Private University English as a Foreign Language Undergraduate and Instructors
The advancement of educational technology has become an integral part of the contemporary educational landscape. This study aims to explore the benefits of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the undergraduate level. Grounded in Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, the study adopts a qualitative research design focused on three private universities in Jordan, providing a specific context for investigating the study’s objectives and conducting an in-depth analysis of participants' experiences, perspectives, and the contextual dynamics influencing the outcomes.The target population consisted of students and instructors from English language departments, with a sample comprising 40 students and 72 instructors. Research tools, including observations and interviews, were utilized to collect data. The findings revealed key themes related to the implementation of CALL and its educational impact, highlighting best practices as well as potential challenges.The study concluded that CALL supports both autonomous and collaborative learning activities, fostering enhanced student engagement and interaction. Based on these findings, the study recommends that educators adopt a flexible approach in selecting CALL programs that align with students' needs and preferences, integrating them strategically into educational practices.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning; English as a Foreign Language; Student EngagementReferences
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