Investigating EFL Female Saudi Teachers’Attitudes Toward the Use of ChatGPT in English Language Teaching
The emergence of ChatGPT has revolutionized foreign language education, offering various benefits. However, limited research exists on the practical advantages and challenges of employing ChatGPT in teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). This study explores the perceptions of EFL Saudi teachers regarding the integration of ChatGPT into English language teaching within the Saudi context. Using an interpretive qualitative approach, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 13 female EFL teachers at Al-Manar University. The findings indicate that participants generally held positive views of ChatGPT, appreciating its utility in lesson planning, designing activities, and creating assessments. Teachers emphasized that ChatGPT enhances efficiency, engagement, and interactivity in the classroom. However, concerns were raised regarding its credibility and the potential for students to become overly dependent on it, leading to diminished skills and abilities in critical thinking, independent learning, and emotional intelligence. These limitations highlight the need for a balanced approach to integrating ChatGPT into teaching practices. This study addresses a gap in the literature by focusing on the unique cultural and educational perspectives of Saudi EFL teachers, offering insights into how Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can be tailored to specific educational contexts. The findings underscore the importance of professional development for teachers to promote responsible AI use and encourage student-centered learning. Implications for practice and future research directions are discussed.
ChatGPT; Computer-Assisted Language Teaching; EFL Teachers; Saudi ContextReferences
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