Small Group Learning Strategies in English as Second Language Contexts: A Review of Literature
Small group learning strategies offer significant benefits over individual learning and have gained increasing attention in English as Second Language (ESL) contexts. Grounded in Vygotsky's sociocultural theory, this study systematically reviews existing literature on collaborative and cooperative learning approaches in ESL classrooms, with a particular focus on Pakistan. While learner-centered methods have been widely implemented globally, Pakistani institutions have only recently begun integrating these approaches. This study examines the origins, definitions, key components, similarities, differences, and research paradigms of small group learning in English Language Teaching (ELT) in Pakistan. Using a systematic literature review, this study analyzed 40 articles using predefined inclusion criteria, including relevance to collaborative and cooperative learning in ESL contexts, studies conducted in Pakistan or similar settings, peer-reviewed sources, and publications from 15–20 years. Findings reveal that small group learning enhances English proficiency, knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, and overall academic achievement. The study underscores the need for institutional support to maximize these benefits in Pakistani public institutions. These insights offer valuable guidance for teachers, policymakers, curriculum designers, and textbook boards in fostering more effective ESL learning environments.
Collaborative Learning; Cooperative Learning; Small Groups; ESL; ELTReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Hafiza Sana Mansoor, Bambang Sumardjoko, Anam Sutopo, Harun Joko Prayitno, Abdul Bari Khan

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