Influence of Temperature and Water Availability on Seed Germination of Cicer Milkvetch (Astragulus Cicer L.) and Purple Prairie Clover (Dalea Purpurea Vent. Var. Pupurea)
Global warming may leads a decrease in plant diversity and increased risk for some plant extinction does exist. The effect of temperature and water availability on seed germination were investigated in many plants, and are two of the most important factors on seed germination, for the plant survival that can result in a loss or increase under global climate change scenarios, by affecting a plant's recruitment success. Therefore, research on how climate change affects seed germination is essential for our research and ability to predict the risk for plants. To examine the possible effect of climate change on two commonly grown legumes a greenhouse experiment was run at at AAFC-SPARC. One was an introduced legume, cicer milkvetch, and the other a native legume, purple prairie clover. Our findings were: the experiment with warmer temperature and decreased soil moisture to research seed germination, the result is that reduction in the total both seed germination rate occurs, and showed the seed germination of purple prairie clover is better for the more stressful temperatures and water potentials examined in this experiment. For both legumes were examined on the control water potential the best temperature range is from 20℃ to 30℃ .
Global warming; Legumes; Abiotic stressors; RecruitmentReferences
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